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Easy Peasy You

3 soothing face masks that you can easily make yourself

Posted by Lara Schimweg on
3 beruhigende Gesichtsmasken, die du einfach selber machen kannst
You can finely grind oatmeal and use it for a DIY face mask
Is your skin stressed, red and tight because the weather outside is changing? The change in seasons is particularly difficult for sensitive skin. Extreme temperatures such as cold, frost and heat quickly remove moisture from your skin, making it tight, itchy and pale. If it's not the change in the weather, stress and other environmental influences can also make your skin sensitive. If that's the case for you: Here are three very simple DIY recipes for face masks that will calm your skin again. You can make them yourself, easy peasy. You will definitely find many ingredients in your kitchen.

1. Soothing Oatmeal Face Mask

For when suitable: all skin types
If your skin is currently a bit overstressed, you can calm it down with oatmeal. This works wonderfully if your skin has currently had to endure too many different skin care products that you may not be able to tolerate all of them. Or is your skin currently reacting sensitively? You can soothe your skin with a homemade mask made from pure oatmeal. Ideal for stressed and reddened skin.
What you need for this DIY recipe:
  • 3 tbsp oat flakes
  • 200ml water
  • Cotton cloth (should fit your entire face)
  • Glass or porcelain bowl
Add 200ml water to your bowl.
Grind the oat flakes into a very fine flour so that there are no sharp ingredients left. Oatmeal that is too coarse could cause small cuts and other micro-injuries to your skin.
Add the finely ground oat flakes to the bowl and mix them with the water.
Let the whole thing steep for 3-4 hours. You can also let it steep overnight.
Now you can soak your cotton cloth in the liquid and place it on your clean face. Leave the cloth on your face for about 20-30 minutes.
Then wash your face with lukewarm water and apply your usual mild facial care product to your skin.
Extra tip: If you like, you can make a reusable cloth mask out of your cotton cloth.
Simply cut holes in the fabric for the eyes, mouth and nose. You can now use this cloth again and again for sheet masks. After each use, you should wash them in the machine at at least 60 degrees so as not to provide a breeding ground for bacteria. This gives you a sustainable solution for a wide variety of DIY sheet masks.
By the way: If you don't have time to stir yourself, you can also benefit from oats with our rich cream .

2. Anti-inflammatory green tea mask

Who is suitable for: especially for oily and combination skin

If your skin is prone to impurities and is oily, green tea will help you regulate the flow of sebum. Green tea also has an antioxidant effect on your skin.
This is what you need:

  • 1 pinch of organic matcha powder
  • 1 heaped teaspoon / 1 tea bag organic green tea
  • 250 ml water
  • Some cotton pads (preferably sustainable pads that you can reuse )
  • Porcelain bowl
Boil water and prepare approx. 250ml of green tea in a bowl.
Let the tea steep for as long as it says on the package. Usually it takes about 2 - 4 minutes.
Then add a pinch of matcha powder and stir it in completely until it has dissolved.
Let the mixture cool until it is lukewarm.
Place 3-4 (reusable) cotton pads in your bowl and let them absorb the liquid.
Wring out the cotton pads a little and place them on your clean face.
Leave the pads on your face for about 20 minutes. Then take it down. Alternatively, you can use your homemade cloth mask instead of cotton pads. Gently press the remaining liquid into your skin with flat, clean hands.
Then care for your skin as usual with moisture and a little oil. Either with a light cream or a moisturizer and some vegetable oil.
Extra tip: In summer you can also put the bowl in the fridge and use the soaked cotton pads to cool it down. This is particularly pleasant under the eyes if they become swollen. This stimulates your natural lymphatic drainage so that the accumulated fluid under your eyes can drain away.
If you don't have time to stir it yourself: our serum spray also contains a lot of green tea.

3. Anti-inflammatory mask for pimples and blemishes

Who is suitable for: all skin types
What you need:
  • Organic Manuka honey
Apply pure medical Manuka honey to clean skin.
The higher the MGO number, the more effective the Manuka honey is. To achieve sufficient effect, you should choose Manuka honey with an MGO value of at least 100+.
The honey can be used either on a spot on a pimple or on the entire face. Medical Manuka honey has an antibacterial effect on inflammation and also provides the skin with natural moisture.
Leave the honey on the skin for about 20 minutes. Then gently wash the Manuka honey off your face.
After washing, you can apply your daily skin care routine to your skin.
Now you have 3 DIY masks to choose from so that your sensitive skin can relax again. Give it a try.
Have you ever made DIY masks? Which mask do you particularly like?
Feel free to write it to us in the comments.
Lara Schimweg

about the author

Lara Schimweg is the founder of Xeno . She studied sports science and health research and is a trained health and nursing nurse. Lara has rosacea and very sensitive skin.

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