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Easy Peasy You

What you can learn from the French when it comes to skin care

Posted by Lara Schimweg on
Was du dir von den Franzosen in Sachen Hautpflege ruhig abschauen kannst

Skin care tips with the ease of French living

Who doesn't know them, the pictures of French apartments, sun-drenched high ceilings and then a wonderful terrace. And right in the middle there are a lot of French women who make a beautiful picture with their no make-up make-up look and red lips.

Nowhere else in Europe is there such a relaxed attitude to fashion and beauty. Everything should look a bit like you jumped out of bed with this look. You've thrown on some fancy clothes, tucked a wicker bag under your arm and headed out to the market to buy some fresh vegetables and a baguette. What a dreamy lifestyle. Even if it sounds a bit like you're reading a fairy tale book. But why not conjure up a bit of light daydreaming in your everyday life.

That's how it works:

Incidentally, this untidy, tidy appearance in the French always begins with very healthy skin care . Because that is the key to a beautiful no make-up make-up look. Here in Germany we only go to the pharmacy when we are ill or have a skin problem to find a suitable product for our "blemishes".
Many French people buy their skin care products from the pharmacy . These are pharmacies: set up like a drugstore. Safe skin care is important to you. There should only be good ingredients that make the skin healthy in the long term.
They don't think much of a quick fix. And they give a wide berth to beauty hypes. And a small pimple is not understood as a blemish. That never spoils a French woman's day. They prefer to rely on healthy care. In the best case, there is still a lot of nature involved in order to have healthy and strong skin in the long term.

So that you can learn a bit from the French:

4 tips that will take you a long way in your skin care routine.

1. It must not smell too sweet

The French would rather buy a fragrance-free cream than one that smells too much of flowers or perfume. This is much healthier for your skin as it doesn't like synthetic and natural fragrances too much . Some sensitive skin types may even react with a rash or itching. Even healthy skin can get a possible contact allergy. And because the French want their skin to be healthy and strong, they use fragrance-free skin care products whenever possible.

If you now think that this is boring, then think about your favorite perfume scent. Your favorite perfume will not be masked by other fragrance components from creams, serums or lotions. You smell exactly how you want to smell and you also have healthy, strong skin.

Creams without fragrances that are worth checking out:

For slightly dry skin, combination skin to slightly oily skin: Xeno Root and Grow - Basis Cream (natural cosmetics)
For dry skin: Xeno Cozy Cocoon - rich cream (natural cosmetics)

Daily sun protection

If you want to protect your skin, always wear sunscreen. Even if you don't see the sun right now because there are a lot of clouds in front of it. The sun is here and unfortunately it can attack your skin. And how good that there are now so many good sunscreens that you can ideally adapt to your skin type. The sun protection in your day cream is a nice addition. Unfortunately, he doesn't protect you extensively enough. So get a good sunscreen with your cream. You can find out how to find the right sunscreen for your skin in our free sun protection guide for sensitive skin .

Rich lip care

French love red lips. And since lipstick can sometimes make lips a bit dry, French women groom their lips before applying makeup and before going to bed. There are a variety of good care sticks and lip balms. Not so easy to keep track of. Make sure that you tolerate the fats well. In the best case, it comes without essential oils or perfume.

Simply add a bit of lip balm to your morning and evening routine and your lips will be well protected and ready for a touch of color if you like.
Suggestions for you:

Lip care:
i+m lip care pure (natural cosmetics)

Messy beautiful hair in no time

You don't need to run straight to the nearest hairdresser and get a fringe cut to bring a little more French lightness into your life. A few sprays of dry shampoo are enough. Your hair gets healthy natural volume. Because a dry shampoo is a great substitute for any expensive texturizing hair spray. No clogging from too much hairspray. Everything looks more carefree. As if you had just jumped out of your bed. And croissants and coffee are just waiting for you in the kitchen.
So throw your hairspray in the farthest corner of your closet and try dry shampoo.
Important: Always avoid the scalp. Even if a dry shampoo is actually intended for this. Because dry shampoos usually contain fragrances, essential oils and drying alcohols. These irritate the scalp. A so-called "build up" of grease, dirt and dry shampoo also develops. This weighs down the hair follicles and the hair can no longer grow out of the scalp in a healthy manner. In the worst case, you will lose more hair. The layer is also an ideal breeding ground for fungi. These make the scalp more sensitive. Itching can occur and inflammation can develop. So: Always use dry shampoo in the lengths.
And if you don't feel like letting your hair down - protect it with a scrunchie. This protects your hair and does not damage it. And, if you like, you can open your hair again at any time. You won't experience unsightly hair kinks caused by a braid with skrunchies.

Suggestions for your hair:

dry shampoo:

You can find your handmade individual scrunchie in a wide variety of colors at Luisa Koenemann on Instagram , for example. You can order it directly by email :

invisibobble® scrunchie True Black (available in different colors)

Mild make-up removal products

A healthy evening routine for a French woman always includes a mild make-up remover. Best of all, it doesn't contain any drying alcohols and doesn't sting your eyes. Micellar water is great for that. Or you can use a very mild facial cleanser. Especially if your skin is sensitive, you can gently remove your lipstick or mascara with micellar water without leaving any residue.
Simply use a reusable cotton pad, soak it well with the make-up remover and gently wipe your face to cleanse. Then you can wash your face with lukewarm water.
While many micellar waters state that you don't need to use water and you don't need to rinse the product, please don't forget this step. That's really important.
Especially if you tend to have sensitive skin, you should wash the surfactants (washing substances), which are also found in mild cleansers, off your skin. Surfactants ensure that your make-up dissolves. If you don't wash these off completely, they will linger on your skin and also wash away the good oils from your skin overnight. Over time, this would dry out your skin.

Maybe this is something for you:

So what are you waiting for, try incorporating some of these simple ideas into your skin care routine.
And please let us know: What worked well?
Or are there perhaps a few French women among us who have a few more tips that we don't know yet?
Lara Schimweg

about the author

Lara Schimweg is the founder of Xeno . She studied sports science and health research and is a trained health worker. Lara has rosacea and very sensitive skin.

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