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Easy Peasy You

What you can learn from the French when it comes to skin care

Posted by Lara Schimweg on
Was du dir von den Franzosen in Sachen Hautpflege ruhig abschauen kannst
Skin care tips with the ease of French life

French people like to use healthy skin care, i.e. without fragrances, aggressive cleaners & Co.

Less focus on trends and quick fixes

Glassiness: Pimples or pustules do not necessarily have to be seen as blemishes

Who hasn't seen them? The pictures of French apartments, high ceilings flooded with sunlight and a wonderful terrace. And in the middle of it all, a bunch of French women who make a beautiful picture with their no-makeup look and red lips.

Nowhere else in Europe is there such a relaxed attitude to fashion and beauty. Everything should look a little bit like you just jumped out of bed with this look. You throw on a few chic pieces of clothing, tuck a basket bag under your arm and go out to the market to buy fresh vegetables and a baguette. What a dreamy attitude to life. Even if it sounds a little bit like you're reading a fairytale book. But why not conjure up a little light-hearted daydreaming in your everyday life.

And this is how it works:

For the French, this untidy, tidy appearance always starts with very healthy skin care . Because that is the key to a beautiful no-makeup look. Here in Germany, we only go to the pharmacy when we are ill or have a skin problem, in order to find a suitable product for our "blemishes".
Many French people buy their skin care products in pharmacies . These are pharmacies: set up like a drugstore. Safe skin care is important to them. They only want good ingredients that will keep the skin healthy in the long term.
They don't believe in quick fixes. And they avoid beauty hypes. And a small pimple is not seen as a flaw. That never ruins a French woman's day. They prefer to rely on healthy care. In the best case, there is a lot of natural ingredients involved to ensure healthy and strong skin in the long term.

So that you can learn a little from the French:

5 tips that will take your skin care routine a step further.

1. It shouldn't smell too sweet

French people prefer to buy a fragrance-free cream rather than one that smells too much of flowers or perfume. This is much healthier for your skin, as it does not like synthetic or natural fragrances . Some sensitive skin types can even react with rashes or itching. Even healthy skin can develop a possible contact allergy. And since French people want to have healthy and strong skin, they use fragrance-free skin care products whenever possible.

If you think that's boring, just think about your favorite perfume scent. Your favorite perfume isn't covered up by other scent components from creams, serums or lotions. You smell exactly the way you want to smell and you also have healthy, strong skin.

Don’t be fooled: seductively scented cosmetics with essential oils are harmful to your skin

Tips: Creams without fragrances

For slightly dry skin, combination skin to slightly oily skin:  

For dry skin:

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